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Important P&T Information and Updates

Spring Break 2025 Service Changes:

  • There will be no UTS Route Service on 3/15/ & 3/16

  • Night Pilot will not run from 3/8 – 3/16

  • Weekday Route Service ends at 8:00 PM, OnDemand will start at 8:00 PM

Ongoing TransLoc Technology Upgrades: Please use Transloc App

The Parking and Transportation website is undergoing maintence. During this time, previously bookmarked links might become unavailable.

Parking Regulations and Restrictions

A. General Parking at the University is controlled by signs, painted curbs, and painted pavement. Generally, yellow paint indicates that parking is prohibited at all times. Red paint indicates limited parking in accordance with the posted signs. It is the responsibility of the vehicle operator to find a proper parking space. Failure to find a legal space is not a license for violation of these Regulations. 

B. Parking restrictions are in effect all year, including student breaks, from Monday through Friday, 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. unless otherwise posted. Holidays are established separately by the academic and medical areas and may be determined by contacting the Department of Parking and Transportation. Signs at the lot entrances denote permit restrictions. Additional signs within the lot may denote an individually reserved space. In many lots, permit restrictions are lifted after 5:00 P.M. However, some permit restrictions are modified after 3:30 P.M. or 5:00 P.M. For example,  D3 lots allow blue permits after 3:30 P.M.; an R1 or R2 permit is required in R2 after 5:00 P.M.; any UVA permit is required in the U lots after 5:00 P.M. Check the signs at every entrance/space for exact restrictions.

C. Short-duration parking: Any person anticipating a temporary parking problem, regardless of duration, should contact the Department of Parking and Transportation in advance to seek possible options. Unless arrangements are made in advance, illegally parked vehicles are subject to ticketing and possible towing at the owner's expense. A vehicle is considered parked if it is stopped and there is no driver, regardless of whether the flashers are on or the motor is running. 

D. Vehicles shall be parked within twelve inches of the curb for parallel parking and within surface markings for off-street parking. 

E. Driving or parking on the grass, mulch, or walkways is prohibited. 

F. Whether marked or not, parking is prohibited in driveways, alleys, crosswalks, or within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.

G. Special motorcycle parking areas are designated throughout Grounds. A blue, red, or orange permit is required in these areas during normally restricted hours. Motorcycles using a vehicle space in other parking areas are subject to the same permit restrictions as the other vehicles using that space/area.

H. Metered Parking: The duration for which a vehicle may be parked at a meter is posted and may not be exceeded, regardless of the amount of money placed in the meter. All motor vehicles, except those that are properly marked as vehicles displaying a DMV Disabled Parking Placard, must pay at meters. It is prohibited to allow a vehicle to remain parked in a metered space with an expired time flag or coupon showing, even if the meter is not functioning. If a meter malfunctions, that space must not be used and the malfunction should be reported to the Department of Parking and Transportation Garage and Meter Operations immediately. A refund of money lost in a malfunctioning meter must be requested within one working day of the loss.

I. Football Games: Parking areas near Scott Stadium are reserved on days of home football games. Vehicles parked in these areas after 1:00 A.M. on the day of the game are subject to ticketing and towing at the owner's expense. 

J. JPJ Events and Basketball Games: When an event is held at the John Paul Jones Arena (JPJ), parking is restricted in several lots surrounding University Hall as posted. Vehicles in violation of the posted restrictions are subject to ticketing and towing at the owner's expense. 

K. Reserved Parking: Parking without a proper permit in a reserved space or area is prohibited. Violators are subject to ticketing and towing at the owner's expense. If a permit-holder's space or area is filled, the permit-holder must find a legitimate space and contact the Department of Parking and Transportation in order to have the violator's vehicle(s) towed and to obtain authorization to park. 

L. Service Parking and Loading Dock: Parking in a service vehicle space without a valid service vehicle pass or without proper markings on the vehicle is prohibited. Loading docks are used for loading and unloading only. Parking at a loading dock is prohibited.

M. Disability Parking spaces are reserved for the use of those possessing valid Disabled Parking Placards/Permits (provided by the Commonwealth of Virginia or the University of Virginia). Any use of these spaces without a proper Disabled Parking Placard/permit is prohibited.

N. Resident parking is located in areas of University family housing and is reserved at all times for residents' vehicles bearing the appropriate permits.

O. Blocking access to a parking space or blocking another car in a parking space is prohibited.

P. Disabled Vehicle: Should a vehicle become disabled in an unauthorized area, the vehicle must be removed without delay. If it is necessary to leave the vehicle unattended while making arrangements for its removal, the Department of Parking and Transportation must be notified immediately (after hours, notify the Department of Police at 434-924-7166). If the vehicle is not removed promptly it may be towed away at the owner's expense.

Q. Parking Problems: Any person anticipating a temporary parking problem, regardless of duration, should contact the Department of Parking and Transportation in advance to seek possible options. Unless arrangements are made in advance, illegally parked vehicles are subject to ticketing and possible towing at the owner's expense.

R. Alternate Vehicles: Permit holders who wish to park an unregistered vehicle temporarily should telephone the Department of Parking and Transportation each day the alternate vehicle is used before driving or parking on the Grounds (after hours contact the Department of Police, 924-7166).

S. Other Vehicles: Vehicles covered in this section include but are not limited to trail bikes, minibikes, snowmobiles, and trailers for cargo, boats, camping, traveling, etc. Permits to park other vehicles in University controlled areas are not sold. These vehicles shall not be parked in areas designated for motor vehicle parking or in bicycle racks. The owner or custodian of such vehicles shall arrange for their off-Grounds parking or storage if their area of residence has no storage area designated. 

T. Health System Parking: Parking in the Health System parking areas is restricted to patients, visitors, and authorized employees who have been issued a valid permit by Parking & Transportation. All persons providing clinical, educational, research, administrative, or other services within or for the benefit of the Health System, regardless of Employer, are prohibited from parking in Health System parking garages without a valid permit issued by Parking & Transportation, even if they choose to pay those costs, except during times they are a bona fide patient or visitor to a patient.

U. A permit authorizes you to park a single vehicle at a time in the assigned lot at UVA. In instances where multiple vehicles are found in the lot simultaneously, a fine of up to $300 for Fraudulent Use of Permits may be issued to each associated vehicle as well as towing and or revocation of the permit assignment. Full permit fees or a ParkMobile session must be paid for each vehicle being parked on Grounds.

V.  Appeals: Providing forged or falsified data as part of a Parking Citation Appeal is considered fraud. This includes, but is not limited to, counterfeit permits, altered receipts, and doctored images. Presenting fraudulent data as part of an appeal will result in the denial of said appeal and an additional Level III fine ($300) for each instance as well as potential escalation to authorities outside of the Department of Parking & Transportation for review and adjudication.

Please refer to Policy PRM-010 for additional information.