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Important P&T Information and Updates

UTS is currently operating on Academic and UVA Health Commuter Service Levels

ParkMobile Zones

Location Name & Map - Click on the location name to see a map of where ParkMobile is accepted at that location. The area that accepts ParkMobile is outlined in yellow. Parkers must still adhere to signage located within the parking location. 

Zone Number - Each location has a corresponding zone number. Input the zone number in the ParkMobile app to select the parking location needed. 

Hourly Rate - This is the rate per hour of parking. In addition to the hourly rate, there is a $0.45 convenience fee per transaction including when starting or extending a parking session.

Daily Max Rate - Most locations allow for all-day parking (7:30AM - 5:00PM). The daily max rate is the max an individual will pay to park all day. This rate applies even if a parking session is extended, but not if a parking session expires and a new session is created.

Location Name & Map Zone Number Hourly Rate (7:30AM - 5:00PM) Daily Max Rate
Aquatics and Fitness Center (AFC)** 5503 $1.95 No max
Blue - John Paul Jones Arena (JPJ) 5520 $1.50 $2.55
Blue - The Park 5527 $1.50 $2.55

Bryant Hall/Stadium*

5506 $2.95 No max
Cabell Drive* 5509 $2.95 No max
Carruthers Hall Y1 5518 $1.50 $2.55
Michie South - Y2 5564 $2.95 $4.70
Central Grounds Garage (CGG) 5515
$2.50 (7:30AM - 5:00PM)
$1.50 (5:00PM - 10:00PM)
No max
Chapel* 5505 $2.95 No max
Culbreth Garage (A9) 5513 $2.95 $5.45
Culbreth Road* 5510 $2.95 No max
Darden D1 5519 $2.95 $5.45
Darden Garage D10 5516 $2.95 (7:30AM - 3:30PM) $6.45
Darden Visitor* 5508 $2.95 No max
E1 EV Charging 5565 $5.00 (Mon-Sat, 7:30am-5:00pm)
$3.00 (All other times)
No max
Electric Vehicle Charging Station in CGG* 5530 $5.00 (Mon-Sat, 7:30am-5:00pm)
$4.00 (Mon-Sat, 5:00pm-10:00pm)
$3.00 (All other times)
No max
Facilities Management E1 5535 $2.95 $4.70
Fontaine U9 5552 $1.70 $1.70
Gilmer*  5512 $2.95 No max
IVY1 - 2400 Old Ivy Rd 5531 $1.50 $2.55
IVY2 - 2420 Old Ivy Rd 5532 $1.50 $2.55
IVY3 - Ivy Stacks and Fontana Food 5533 $1.50 $2.55
IVY4 - Printing and Copying 5534 $1.50 $2.55
JAG School D3 5517 $2.95 (7:30AM - 3:30PM) $4.70
Law School D2* 5507 $2.95 No max
North Grounds Rec Center (NGRC)** 5501 $1.95 No max
Northridge U6 5553 $1.70 $1.70
O-Hill* 5504 $2.95 No max
Scott Stadium E3


Available after 2:30PM

$2.95 No max
Slaughter Rec Center (SRC)** 5502 $1.95 No max
U7  5562 $1.70 $1.70
Zehmer Hall Z4 5528 $2.45 $4.70

This location is a row of spaces within a parking area designed to offer short-term, close-in parking to non-permit holders. Be sure to check this location's map and local signage to verify what parking spaces accept ParkMobile. 

** Recreation center parking is only for individuals actively utilizing the facilities during their ParkMobile sessions. Individuals parking at a rec center but not using the facilities are subject to citation even if they have started a ParkMobile parking session.