Weather Updates: 2/12
Academic Routes will delay operations until 12:00 PM
The Redline will not operate. Blueline will operate a modified route
Health System members, please review the following chart for parking locations
Arrival Time Parking Location Parking Address Before 6 a.m. South Garage 380 Crispell Drive Between 6-8:00 a.m. Emmet/Ivy Garage 123 Emmet Street N
Ride Blueline
Between 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. John Paul Jones Garage 295 Massie Road
Ride Blueline
UTS: TransLoc Technology Upgrades
UTS is undergoing technology upgrades to better serve our passengers with new GPS tracking. We apologize for any technical errors, such as routes not showing up on the website or duplicate buses, that may occur during this transition. Please use the TransLoc App during this time.
The P&T office on Millmont is closed to the public. Except on University holidays, P&T customer service representatives are available Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM–5:00 PM via live chat on this website, phone at 434-924-7231, or email at
Need to park for a few hours? Please use the Parkmobile app for hourly parking in available locations.
Most UVA students and employees may purchase daily, multi-day, and annual permits, check permit status and update license plate information via the Online Parking Portal. Residents of Graduate Student Housing at Copeley I/II or Piedmont should contact P&T upon moving in for assistance with purchasing the appropriate permit.
University Transit Service (UTS) at the University of Virginia's Department of Parking and Transportation is searching for reliable Transit Bus Drivers. A valid driver's license is required -- we'll help you through the CDL licensing process via our in-house training program. For more information, please visit our Job Opportunities page!