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FAQ UVA Health Commuter Changes

Why the change?

The number of team members reporting to work has increased to the point where stadium commuter parking spaces are full beyond capacity.

If I am in the bus line at the Stadium at 7AM, will I have to go back to my car and relocate to the Emmet/Ivy Garage?

No, there will be buses to transport those in line at 7AM. If you are pulling into the lot at 6:50AM or later, and you want to ride transit, you should proceed to the Emmet/Ivy Garage. If you want to walk or ride the Orange Line (after 7:30AM), and there is parking available within the boundary lines of Red lot, you can park in the Red lot.

Map showing Red Permit parking locations

Will all health system commuter permits be honored in Emmet/Ivy Garage (Fontaine, Northridge, etc.)?

Yes, like the stadium, all health system commuter permits will be honored in the Emmet/Ivy Garage.

How much more time do I need to add to my commute?

For planning purposes, the Emmet/Ivy Garage and Scott Stadium are the same distance off the 29/250 bypass via exits that are 1.5 miles apart. The left turn lane from Ivy Road into the garage has been lengthened. The traffic signal timing is being monitored for improved efficiency. There are no gates in the garage entry or exit lanes, and there is a mid-garage cut through to cycle to upper floors.

What is the best driving route to the Emmet/Ivy Garage?

The street address for the garage is 123 Emmet Street. The garage entrance is located at the corner of Ivy Road and Rothery Road.

What if the Emmet/Ivy Garage fills?

The garage should not fill during the morning commute hours, but it may later in the morning. If the garage fills, the Blue Line Extended will be triggered from the bus stop located at 290 Massie Road near the John Paul Jones Arena. The most likely time for this to occur between 10AM and 2PM. If a pattern develops of the garage filling, we will quickly reevaluate the “last bus” time at Scott Stadium and adjust the plan.

Map showing Blue Permit parking and Emmet/Ivy Garage locations

How long will the construction last around the Emmet/Ivy Garage?

The entrance road construction is complete. The walking plaza and path to the bus stop will be mostly complete over the next few months. The building construction on the site will continue for many years.

What is the lighting between the Garage and the bus stop on Ivy Road?

Temporary lighting is in place. Permanent lighting will be complete by summer 2023.

Will there be a bus shelter on Ivy Road?

A bus shelter for Ivy Road is on order. Estimated delivery time is early 2023.

I’ve ridden the Blue Line from Emmet/Ivy Garage before and there was a 10-15 minute wait. What is being done to lessen the wait?

In the morning after 7AM, all the buses assigned to the Red Line will be assigned to the Blue Line. In the afternoons, additional buses will be added to the Blue line to increase the number of trips and decrease wait time.  

May I still park in the Red Lot at the Stadium after 7AM and walk or ride the Orange Line to the Hospital?

Yes, if there are open spaces within the boundaries of the Red Lot, Hospital commuters can still park in Red and walk or ride the Orange Line to the Hospital. Start time for the Orange Line is 7:30AM.

May I park at JPJ?

The Health System commuter permits are valid at JPJ. However, unless Emmet/Ivy Garage fills and the Blue Line Extended is triggered, the only direct transit service to the hospital from JPJ is provided by Charlottesville Area Transit (CAT) Route 7. CAT Route 7 stops on Emmet Street under the pedestrian bridge, runs every 15 minutes, and is fare free. The UTS Silver Line (5AM start time) and the UTS Gold Line (7:30AM start time), pick up at the Massie Road bus stop (290 Massie Road). The closest bus stop to the Health System on the Silver and Gold lines is on Emmet Street at Bavaro Hall which is about a 10 minute walk through Grounds to the Hospital.

What plans are being made for team members to park closer to the Hospital?

Waiting lists for close in parking are being actively managed. Several parking studies are underway to evaluate additional parking inventory and management strategies. Although building a garage will take several years, improved parking management strategies, especially for those who arrive for an afternoon shift, are being actively explored with more to come soon on this front.

What is the process to accommodate an employee with a disability?

Like the Stadium, there are parking stalls for people with disabilities just inside the entrance to the Emmet/Ivy Garage to the right. For many work sites in the Hospital, the total walking distance to and from the Blue and Red Line bus stops is a shorter than the total walking distance to and from close-in parking. Team members may explore a parking or transportation accommodation due to a medical condition or disability by contacting the Health System Parking Office to request the appropriate forms and review. If the review results in a parking assignment, associated parking rates apply.

Why can’t more parking spaces be carved out at the Stadium?

The parking around the south and east side of the Stadium are currently designated to support the academic programming in that precinct.  We are continuing to monitor utilization and will make adjustments as conditions allow.