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Important P&T Information and Updates

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The enforcement of University Parking Regulations is primarily the responsibility of the Department of Parking and Transportation. The Department of Police also exercises authority to enforce the Regulations. Health System employees should refer to Medical Center Policy Number 0041-N for specific parking details.

All parking citations and appeals are processed at the Parking and Transportation Administrative Office, at 1101 Millmont Street located behind the Barracks Road Shopping Center. The office may be contacted at (434) 924-7231 or

Warning Citations

If the amount of the fine is $0 then the citation is a warning and no fine is due.
Warning citations are only issued if ALL of the following criteria are met:

  1. No citation has been issued on your account in the 12 months preceding the citation issue date. 
  2. The fine for the citation is less than $200.00.
  3. The citation is not issued due to a meter violation, ParkMobile non-payment, or Special Event non-payment

Paying a Citation

Citations not paid within 14 days are subject to a $40 late fee. 

Pay Online

You do not need to have an account to pay a citation online. You will need the citation number and the license plate number of the vehicle that received the citation.

Pay by Mail

When mailing in your payment, please include the bottom portion of the citation with your payment (check or money order). Write the citation number or the license plate number in the memo field of the check or money order. Please do not send cash through the mail. Mail any citation payments to the following address:

UVA Department of Parking and Transportation
P.O. Box 400000
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4000

Failure to pay outstanding balances may result in collection efforts by a third-party collection agency with additional fees. Outstanding balances may also be collected through payroll deduction after thirty days following the date of the citation or the date of the appeal decision, whichever is later.

Appealing a Citation

Any person who has been issued a parking ticket may file for an appeal hearing with the Department of Parking and Transportation as long as no more than fourteen (14) calendar days have passed since the ticket was issued. Appeals regarding Central Grounds Garage and/or 11th Street Garage billing notices will not be accepted as they are not parking citations.

The Hearings Officer will investigate to determine whether or not a violation had occurred and if there were significant mitigating circumstances surrounding the alleged violation to warrant excusing the fine. The Hearing Officer's decision will be one of the following:

  • Dismissed, no fine is due.
  • Upheld, This is a warning ticket, no fine is due.
  • Upheld, Fine is excused due to mitigating circumstances.
  • Upheld, Fine is due for the violation(s).

To File for an Appeal:

Student/Faculty/Staff – Please log in to your Online Parking Portal by using your UVA computing ID and password. Click on the citation you would like to appeal. Click “Appeal this Citation” and fill out the form.

Visitor/Guest/Other – appeal your citation by emailing Please put the citation number in the subject line and the merit of your appeal in the body of the email. 

Providing forged or falsified data as part of a Parking Citation Appeal is considered fraud. This includes, but is not limited to, counterfeit permits, altered receipts, and doctored images. Presenting fraudulent data as part of an appeal will result in the denial of said appeal and an additional Level III fine ($300) for each instance as well as potential escalation to authorities outside of the Department of Parking & Transportation for review and adjudication.

Any person who has received an "upheld" decision from the hearing officer may appeal to the Traffic Appeals Committee. The Traffic Appeals Committee is a three person committee appointed by the President of the University. The Traffic Appeals Committee decides whether a violation of University regulations is shown without the presumption of guilt if there is any new evidence that warrants a change in the hearing officer's decision. Decisions are reached by majority vote and the final decision is reported to the individual. The Traffic Appeals Committee may decide to affirm, reverse, or otherwise modify the decision of the hearing officer. Any appeal to the Traffic Appeals committee must be in writing and received by the Traffic Appeals Committee within 14 calendar days from the date of the hearing officer's decision. For good cause shown, the above time period may be extended by the Traffic Appeals Committee. The appeal must be signed and must state the merits of the appeal.  The Traffic Appeals Committee shall govern proceedings and may question any witness. The Traffic Appeals Committee's decision is final and is one of the following:

  • Dismissed, no fine is due.
  • Upheld, This is a warning ticket, no fine is due.
  • Upheld, Fine is excused due to mitigating circumstances.
  • Upheld, Fine is due for the violation(s).

To Request Traffic Appeals Committee – Please follow the same process in which you submitted your initial appeal.

Vehicle Immobilization and Removal

The Department of Parking and Transportation or the Department of Police may immobilize or remove any vehicle in violation of University Parking Regulations. Any student, staff, or faculty member whose driving or parking privileges are compromised as a result of a vehicle parked in violation of University Parking Regulations may request that the Department of Parking and Transportation take action against the violating vehicle. After hours the UVA Police Department will respond to such requests. Costs of such removal and storage are charged against the individual in whose name the car is registered.


Any violation of the University Parking Regulations or the accumulation of $250 or more in outstanding citation fines can result in a vehicle being towed. Please review the following information to locate your vehicle:

  • If your vehicle was towed between the hours of 8:00am-5:00pm (Monday-Friday), and it is currently between those hours, call the Parking & Transportation main line at (434) 924-7231.
  • If your vehicle was towed, or if it is currently after Parking & Transportation office hours (8:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday), please call the UVA Police Department (UPD) at (434) 924-7166.

Vehicle Immobilization (Boot)

Vehicles that have two or more unpaid citations that are 14 days or older, or are found to be using a permit in a fraudulent manner, are subject to immobilization. The driver/owner of the vehicle will be required to pay all outstanding citations in addition to the boot removal fee. 

Release: The driver/owner of the vehicle may contact the Parking and Transportation Office Monday-Friday during the hours of 8:00am-5:00pm (434-924-7231). If the vehicle is immobilized after business hours, the driver/owner will need to contact the Parking and Transportation Office the next business day to make arrangements for payments and the release of the vehicle. The driver/owner may contact the on-call supervisor after hours only in the event of a true emergency for vehicle release (434-981-4611). 


Attempting to drive while a parking boot is attached to the vehicle will cause serious damage to the vehicle. The University of Virginia assumes no liability for loss or damage to a vehicle or its contents. Any tampering, damage, or theft of the immobilization device (boot) shall make the driver/owner liable for the destruction or theft of University property. The result of which will be a fine of $500 and judicial proceedings.